New CD
The dark days are upon us again. The time to light the candles at home and surround yourself with friends and loved ones. It is also the period when many visit the concerts of the Don KosakenChor Russland. Unfortunately, this will not happen this year due to the Covid situation.
But…..we have put together a wonderful Christmas present for you to enjoy the Russian sounds of this famous professional choir from Russia at home.
Just released: Merry Christmas from Russia. Highlights from the Russian Orthodox Vespers for the Christmas night, interspersed with typical Russian Christmas carols. A gem and… already internationally acclaimed.
Earlier this year the CD ‘The greatest Hits’ was released. A beautiful album, full of energy, melancholy and romance, performed by the Don KosakenChor Russland & Instrumental ensemble ‘Philarmonia’.
New CD
The record company Tyrolis proudly presents the promo of the new release of the Don KosakenChor Russland.
1. S Wetrom ja Guljaju - Ich gehe mit dem Wind - I roar with the Wind
2 TroIka- Dreigespann
3 Vtyomnon Lesye - In the dark woods - Im dunklen Wald
4 Wecernij Zwon - The evening chime - das Abendläuten
5 Dr. Zivago Lara's Thema - Lara's Theme
6 Dwenatcat Razbojnikoff - Die zwölf Räuber
7 Bjelowjetskaja Pushcha - Der Weissen Wald - The white forest re master
8 Russkaja Polje - Russisches Feld - Russian Field
9 Matij Bozija - Mutter Gottes - Mother of God
10 Iz Taigi - Der dichten Taiga - The dense Taiga
11 Zamelo, tjebja Russia - Mir Schnee bis du bedeckt, Russland
-12 Kazartsja Pjesnja - Eine Kosakengeschichte - A Cossack story
13 Chernoglazaya kazachka - Die schwarzäugige Kosakin - The black eyed Cossack
14 Korobejniki
15 Pod dugoj kolokolcik
16 Tropf,tropf - Drup, Drup
17 Yamschik, Ne Goni Loshadey - Kutscher, verschone die Pferde - Coachman, spare the horses
18 Slavjanki - Abschied von meiner Slawin - A Slav Woman's farewell
The Greatest Hits, the new album from the Don KosakenChor Russland world-wide released by
The record company Tyrolis, based in Austria, released the CD “The Greatest Hits” worldwide last May. A convincing CD with romantic and exciting Russian songs and instrumental works. Deep basses and lyrical tenors tell their story musically, authentically and purely. Have we sparked your interest? Then please take a look at our MCA WEBSHOP and enjoy many more musical highlights.
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